Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Sourcing Materials

Howdy fellas.

This post is gonna be about sourcing materials; which is how we are going to evaluate the sourcesof information that we used as references to do our assignment.

First of all, we need to know that information can be classified into three levels;

1. Single-fact information
    - specific factual information

2. General information
    - overall perspective on a particular topic

3. In-depth information
    - a detailed account of a topic

And all these information can be found or retrieved from;

1. The Internet
    - e Journals
    - search engines
    - group discussions forums
    - online database journals

2. Periodicals
    - journals
    - specialized magazines
    - newspapers and magazines

3. Theses and Dissertations
    - books

Thus, how do we evaluate all of these sources? And why should we evaluate them?

As for the latter, we need to evaluate these sources to ensure that the sources are useful, credible, reliable as well as relevant for our writing. And as how do we evaluate them, we need a checklist consisting of all the W-H questions such as who is the author of the article and etc.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014


“ Hey, what are you doing?”
“ Just browsing for some of Nicholas Hoult pictures. Eh by the way, do you know how to save pictures from the internet?”
“ You just need to right click on the pictures you like and choose save as then it will be automatically saved to your computer.”
“ Really? I never thought that it will be easy as ABC. Now, I will get to save many of his pictures which I want to. Thank you so much!”

Have you ever came across some pictures that you like while surfing the internet and have the urge to save it to your computer for later viewing as the above situations? Or have you ever taken others article to be put in your own work without giving the actual authors proper credits?

If you have done any of that, well you are considered plagiarising. To be frank, I always did those things. It is not just saving pictures or taking articles from internet that are considered as plagiarising. Downloading songs from free website that offers them or claim other peoples ideas as yours are also few examples of plagiarising.

To put in simple words, it is considered as plagiarising as long as you take others works, ideas, etc without giving them the proper credits.

Many people, including me, do not realise that some of our actions are considered as plagiarising. For example, saving pictures from the internet. It does not seem as we are doing the wrong thing because many of the people also save pictures from the internet. 

Still, plagiarising is wrong. Thus, how to avoid it?

First and foremost, whenever you use somebody's works, make sure that you give the proper credits. If you are using his direct spoken words, do quotation on his words. it will be much better if you paraphrase them first but make sure that they are credited too.

There are more ways on how to avoid plagiarising if you look up for information on them. The most important thing is we must avoid plagiarism because it affect our integrity.